Hardihood Cowork Space Inc.

From this dashboard you will be able to access and update your profile, membership level, use your Punch Pass as well as book time for the conference room or open space.

Feel free to reach out to Jennifer Mora at jennifer@hardihoodcowork.com or via phone at 619.273.3414 if you have any questions.

Hardihood Cowork is staffed from 9am to 2pm most weekdays.

Current membership: {{ member.membership_class.name }} {{ member.statusText }} {{ punchStatusLabel }}

 See All Available Memberships

You have punch passes you can use:

{{ errorMessage }}

Please do not refresh this page! You may be charged multiple times if you do.

Before you can change to this membership you will need to unlink from your shared membership

You already have a scheduled change to your membership. Changing your membership type now will cancel that scheduled change.

Do you want to use the first pass immediately?